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  • Embracing Courage, Growth, and Vision: Taylor Schulz's Inspiring Journey

    In the latest episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations, I had the privilege of sitting down with Taylor Schulz, a remarkable wedding and boudoir photographer whose journey from nursing to professional photography is nothing short of inspirational. Taylor's story is a vivid illustration of the transformative power of courage, the importance of personal growth, and the clarity of vision in the pursuit of one’s passions. The Transition from Nursing to Photography: Taylor’s career began in the field of nursing, a path that promised stability and respectability. However, her true passion lay in photography - a dream she harbored since childhood. The leap from a secure profession to a creative pursuit required immense courage and self-belief. Taylor's journey underscores the vital importance of listening to one’s inner voice and daring to follow one’s true calling. Overcoming Fear and Embracing Growth: Our conversation delved into the universal experience of fear and how it can either hinder or propel us forward. Taylor shared how facing her fears was not only about making a career switch but also about embracing her identity as an artist and entrepreneur. This part of our discussion is particularly empowering for anyone standing at the crossroads of a major life decision. The Power of Mindset: A recurrent theme in our talk was the role of mindset in achieving success. Taylor’s story is a testament to the idea that the right mindset can be the most powerful tool in one’s arsenal. She emphasized the significance of a growth mindset in overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities. Vision and Personalization in Business: Taylor also spoke about her unique approach to photography, especially in the highly personal niche of boudoir photography. Her vision extends beyond capturing images; it’s about creating an experience, telling a story, and celebrating individuality. This approach has not only differentiated her in a crowded market but also enabled her to forge deeper connections with her clients. Collaborative Relationships: The importance of collaborative relationships in personal and professional development was another highlight of our conversation. Taylor and I reflected on our own collaborative journey and how such partnerships can be a source of strength, inspiration, and growth. Taylor Schulz’s journey is a vivid reminder that stepping out of one’s comfort zone, while daunting, can lead to the most fulfilling paths. Her story encourages us to embrace fear as a catalyst for growth, to nurture a mindset geared towards success, and to recognize the power of collaboration in realizing our visions. If you haven’t already, be sure to listen to the full episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations featuring Taylor Schulz. It’s an episode brimming with insights, inspiration, and advice for anyone looking to make a bold move in their career and life.

  • Kaitlyn Granger: Mindset, Mental Health, and Instagram in the Beauty Industry

    In the latest episode of our podcast, Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations I had the pleasure of sitting down with Kaitlyn Granger, a force in the beauty industry and a master of Instagram marketing. Kaitlyn's journey is a compelling story of transformation, resilience, and success. From her roots in North Dakota to her current life in the UK, she's navigated the complexities of the beauty industry with grace and determination. Kaitlyn's Inspiring Journey: Kaitlyn Granger's career in the beauty industry is a testament to the power of adaptation and growth. Starting as a hairstylist in 2011, she paralleled her career with a deep dive into the digital world, particularly Instagram. Her decision to embrace change and relocate overseas with her husband led to a significant shift in her career trajectory. Kaitlyn's resilience and flexibility shine through as she recounts stepping away from a successful hairstyling business to teach beauty professionals the art of Instagram marketing. The Power of Mindset and Mental Health: A central theme in our discussion with Kaitlyn was the importance of mindset and mental health in personal and professional development. Kaitlyn emphasized how a positive mindset, coupled with strategies to manage mental health, is crucial for success in the high-pressure beauty industry. She shared practical tips and personal experiences, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to find balance and fulfillment in their career and personal life. Mastering Instagram Marketing: Kaitlyn's expertise in Instagram marketing is a goldmine for beauty professionals looking to leverage social media. She delved into the nuances of creating engaging content, building a brand, and connecting with clients through the platform. Her approach is not just about gaining followers but about creating genuine connections and a community that resonates with your brand. Kaitlyn Granger's story is a narrative about embracing change, understanding the importance of mental wellbeing, and utilizing digital platforms to amplify your voice and business. Her insights are an invaluable resource for anyone in the beauty industry or anyone looking to make a mark in the digital world. Listen to the full podcast episode to dive deeper into Kaitlyn Granger's fascinating journey and gain firsthand knowledge from a true expert in the field. Link to Podcast Episode: Connect with Kaitlyn Granger: Instagram: Website:

  • Victim Mentality vs. Creator Mentality

    This topic popped into my head recently when I was cleaning my house and listening to a podcast. Although the podcast wasn't about this subject, it was like a moment of clarity for me, and I wrote it down on a sticky note. I thought, "I want to do a podcast episode around my thoughts on a victim mentality." Understanding Victim Mentality But first, let's clarify what I mean by a victim mentality. A victim mentality, also known as a victim mindset, refers to a psychological state where an individual perceives themselves as a constant victim of external circumstances, blaming others or outside factors for their challenges and difficulties. People with a victim mentality often feel powerless, believing that their problems are beyond their control, and they may struggle to take responsibility for their own actions. Characteristics of a victim mentality may include: Blaming others for challenges, setbacks, or failures Feeling helpless or powerless to change one's circumstances Focusing predominantly on the negative aspects of situations Engaging in a cycle of self-pity and repeating the same patterns of behavior without seeking positive change. Breaking Free from Victim Mentality It's important to note that sometimes, individuals truly are victims in specific situations, such as in cases of injustice or wrongdoing. However, even in such situations, some people manage to rise above a victim mentality and take control of their lives. They refuse to remain in that disempowered state. One key concept to understand is that adopting a creator's mentality can counteract a victim mentality. A creator's mindset involves taking control, making decisions, and actively shaping one's circumstances. When you see people with this mindset, they become inspirational because they refuse to be held back by external factors. Shifting Your Mindset Changing your mindset starts with self-awareness and reflection. Ask yourself if you tend to blame external factors for your challenges or if you choose to take proactive steps to address them. Pay attention to your language and replace disempowering phrases like "I have to" or "I can't" with more empowering language that emphasizes personal agency and choice. Externalizing vs. Internalizing Consider whether you externalize your problems, attributing them to everything outside of you, or if you internalize them and take responsibility for your actions. Strive for a balance between the two, recognizing that external circumstances can influence your life but not define it entirely. Solution-Oriented Thinking Focus on solutions rather than problems. Are you the type who complains without seeking resolutions, or do you actively seek solutions and take steps to address challenges? Shifting your mindset toward problem-solving and identifying actionable steps can help you break free from a victim mentality. Seek Accountability and Support Having accountability in your life can be powerful. Surround yourself with people who encourage your growth and challenge your victim mentality when it surfaces. Join a mastermind group, work with a coach, or seek support from friends and loved ones who can help you shift your perspective. Embrace Self-Awareness and Acceptance Remember that adopting a creator's mindset doesn't mean suppressing emotions or denying past pain. It's about acknowledging your feelings, giving them the time and space they need, and then choosing to move forward in a more empowered way. Release and Let Go In some cases, deep-seated resentment or unresolved issues can contribute to a victim mentality. Consider writing a letter to the person or situation that has caused you pain, expressing your feelings and then safely burning the letter as a symbol of letting go and releasing the negativity. Embracing a creator's mindset and leaving behind a victim mentality can be a transformative journey. While it may not be easy, it is incredibly empowering. Recognize that life may present challenges, but how you respond to them is within your control. Take charge of your life, make choices that align with your goals and values, and watch as you transform into a person who inspires others with your resilience and determination. Remember, this is a process, and it's okay to seek support along the way. You have the power to create the life you desire—one empowered choice at a time.

  • The Stylists Keeper: Bookkeeping for Hairstylists with Jessica Hanley

    This week, I had the pleasure of hosting Jessica Hanley, the visionary behind The Stylist Keeper, on Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. Jessica, a hairstylist turned bookkeeper, shares her invaluable insights on achieving financial success and stability in the industry. The Journey from Scissors to Spreadsheets: Jessica's unique story began behind the salon chair, where she mastered the art of hairstyling. However, her path took an exciting turn as she delved into the world of bookkeeping, combining her passion for beauty with a newfound love for numbers. Her journey is a testament to the versatile career paths available in the beauty industry and the importance of evolving skills. Key Financial Advice for Hairstylists: One of the highlights of our conversation with Jessica was her practical financial advice for hairstylists. From managing salon expenses to optimizing profits, Jessica emphasized the importance of financial literacy. She shared tips on budgeting, expense tracking, and making informed financial decisions, crucial skills for any entrepreneur in the beauty sector. Common Financial Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them: Jessica also touched upon common financial challenges faced by beauty professionals. She stressed the importance of separating personal and business finances and the need for regular bookkeeping. By being proactive about finances, hairstylists can avoid the pitfalls that often hinder business growth. Empowering Through The Stylist Keeper: Through her venture, The Stylist Keeper, Jessica aims to simplify and demystify financial management for beauty professionals. Her services are tailored to the unique needs of the industry, providing stylists with the tools and knowledge to navigate their financial landscape confidently. Jessica Hanley's insights shed light on the often-overlooked aspect of financial management in the beauty industry. Her story inspires and empowers hairstylists to take control of their financial destinies while nurturing their creative passions. For more insights and tips from Jessica, listen to the full episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations available on all platforms.

  • Beginning Beauty Business: A Conversation with Lisa Atkins

    In the latest episode of the podcast, I had the pleasure of diving into the world of beauty and business with a member of SST, Lisa Atkins. Lisa, known for her insightful ebook "Beginning Beauty Business," shared her journey and secrets to success in the hairstyling industry. This conversation is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice for anyone aspiring to make their mark in the beauty world. Lisa's Journey to Success: Lisa's path to becoming a hairstylist wasn't straightforward. Initially exploring different career paths, she eventually found her calling in the beauty industry. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and following one's passion. Lisa discussed how her diverse experiences shaped her approach to hairstyling and business, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and continuous learning. The Power of Mindset: A significant focus of our conversation was the impact of mindset on professional success. Lisa credits much of her success to her positive and growth-oriented mindset. She believes in the power of manifestation and the law of attraction, which she says have been instrumental in her journey. Her insights into how mindset can influence career trajectory are particularly enlightening for new stylists entering the field. Challenges and Triumphs: No success story is without its challenges, and Lisa's was no different. She opened up about the obstacles she faced in the industry and how she overcame them. From dealing with difficult clients to navigating the competitive landscape of hairstyling, Lisa's experiences are relatable and encouraging for anyone facing similar challenges. Insights from 'Beginning Beauty Business': "Beginning Beauty Business" isn't just an ebook; it's a roadmap for new stylists. Lisa shared some key tips from her book, particularly focusing on how new beauty professionals can build their careers. From finding the right salon to marketing oneself effectively, Lisa's advice is practical and immediately applicable. Lisa Atkins is more than just a hairstylist; she's a mentor and an inspiration. Her journey, challenges, and success are a beacon for anyone in the beauty industry. Her wisdom, encapsulated in her ebook and shared generously in our podcast, is invaluable for anyone looking to thrive in the world of hairstyling. Listen to the full episode to get a more in-depth look at Lisa's journey, her advice for new stylists, and much more. Whether you're a budding hairstylist, a seasoned professional, or simply someone interested in the beauty industry, this episode is sure to provide you with insights and inspiration. Get Lisa's ebook here:

  • The Cycle of Success: SST Core Principals

    Welcome to the Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations blog, where we dive deep into mindset, and business building. I'm Lisa Huff, your host and the founder of Stylist Soul Tribe. Today, I want to take you on a journey through the seven stages of the Cycle of Success, the foundation of my coaching principles. Mindset: The Bedrock of Success In the first stage of the Cycle of Success, we explore the foundation – mindset. It's more than positive thinking; it's about truly believing in the life and business you want to create. Some recommended reads to open your mind to this stage are "Mindset" by Dr. Carol Dweck and "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, introducing you to the power of the law of attraction and manifestation. Start your day with sacred morning time, express gratitude, let your mind wander, and embrace practices like meditation and movement. Mindset is not just a stage; it's the ongoing base layer that influences every step in your journey. Vision: Setting Your Target Moving on to the second stage – vision. You can't hit a moving target, so getting clear on what you want is crucial. Create a vision board, a tangible expression of your desires. Explore the vision casting workshop and carve out your path for the year ahead. Your vision will guide you as we progress through the subsequent stages. Dream Schedule: Aligning Time with Vision In the dream schedule stage, we bring your vision to life by aligning your time with your goals. Imagine your dream schedule without constraints – waking up, seeing clients, and working on your terms. This isn't just daydreaming; it's the blueprint for the life you're building. Take a moment to picture your dream schedule, and remember, in our industry, you can truly work any schedule you want. Whether you make the leap or plan it step by step, it's time to shape your days into the life you envisioned. Clientele: Curating Your Circle The clientele stage is about curating your clients to include those who light you up. Make a list of your clients and categorize them – yes, no, and maybe. Keep those who spark joy, let go of those who don't align with your energy, and create space for clients who resonate with your vision. Income: Valuing Your Worth In the income stage, we get down to the nitty-gritty of determining your perceived value and adjusting your pricing accordingly. Check your emotions at the door – this is strictly a game of supply and demand. Run the numbers, evaluate your demand, and ensure your pricing reflects the value you bring to the table. Remember, as stylists, we are not just artists; we are legitimate entrepreneurs. Smart, calculated financial moves are pivotal to our success. Whitespace: Creating Breathing Room After locking down the income stage, we move on to whitespace. This stage is about creating breathing room to enjoy your success and keep your creativity flowing. Streamline your process, systematize, and eliminate the unnecessary. Whitespace is where your creativity blooms, and it's vital for your business and personal growth. Big Magic: Embracing Transformative Success Finally, the big magic stage is where the universe conspires with us, sending us transformative ideas and opportunities. Stay alert for flashes of insight, as they often carry the seeds for your next big breakthrough. By embracing big magic, you are primed and ready for fast, messy action. The Cycle of Success is not just a path; it's a continuous journey. You cycle back to mindset and vision, embarking on endless loops of personal and professional evolution. With each turn, you ascend, transform, and become more empowered. I hope you feel inspired and ready to recognize where you are on this cycle. As always, if you have any takeaways or insights, send me a DM. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I'll see you on the next episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations.

  • L&L Chit Chat - Education Overload, Social Media Burnout, and Managing Expectations

    In our latest episode of "Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations," Leisha & I dive deep into the pressing issues that face today's hairstylists: the overwhelm of continuous education, the impact of social media on our mental health, and the intricate dance of managing expectations. The Illusion of Instant Success The industry often paints a picture of overnight success, but the truth is far from this narrative. Success is a journey of small, consistent steps. It’s about learning from each client, each snip, and each color mix. It's a path paved with patience and perseverance, not just sudden epiphanies. Real-Life Stories from the Salon Chair We share our personal experiences, including a reflection on the 'Traveling Hairstylists' episode. It’s been a year full of unexpected turns, and looking back, the reality is starkly different from our initial expectations. Yet, there's beauty in this unpredictability, and an abundance of lessons learned along the way. The Double-Edged Sword of Social Media Social media is a potent tool in our industry for inspiration and connection. However, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparison and burnout. We discuss the importance of a social media detox, as seen in our recent Stylist Soul Tribe masterclass, and how stepping back can sometimes be the key to moving forward. Walking in Our Clients' Shoes Understanding how clients perceive our online presence and pricing strategies is crucial. We explore the significance of aligning our digital footprints with client expectations and the evolving trends of the hairstyling market. Finding Your Balance Every stylist's relationship with social media is unique. It's essential to find a rhythm that resonates with your personal and professional goals. If social media feels like a chore, it's okay to step back and reassess. Remember, what works for one may not work for all. Our Monthly Report To lighten the mood, we share our recent reads, favorite activities, and current obsessions in our 'Monthly Report' segment. From climbing adventures to the simple joy of dark chocolate granola, it's a reminder to find joy in the little things. In the fast-paced world of hairstyling, it's easy to get caught in the whirlwind of trends and expectations. Our latest podcast episode serves as a gentle reminder to stay grounded, to listen to your intuition, and to approach each day with a learner's mindset. Remember, success in hairstyling, as in life, is a journey, not a destination. Embrace your path, cherish your unique story, and let your scissors carve a trail of beauty and fulfillment. Listen to the full episode here.

  • Unlocking the Secrets to Six-Figure Success in the Beauty Industry with Stacy Monroe

    I'm thrilled to share with you some pearls of wisdom from a recent episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations where I sat down with the remarkable Stacy Monroe. Not only is Stacy a grandmother and a passionate businesswoman, she’s also a shining example of how you can have a six-figure beauty business and still live a life full of passion and purpose. Here’s what you need to know. A Six-Figure Beauty Business is Within Reach Stacy started her journey in the beauty industry with not much more than a love for making people feel great and a burning desire to be her own boss. Fast forward to today, and she is running a six-figure beauty business. If Stacy can do it, so can you, and both of us are firm believers in the power of mindset to accomplish this. Her story proves that your circumstances don't define your outcomes—your actions and beliefs do. Planning for a Future Outside the Salon One aspect of our conversation that stood out was Stacy’s forward-thinking approach. She’s not just in it for the here and now; she's planning a sustainable future. She is considering all aspects of life, including her retirement. Stacy's focus on creating a balanced life resonates deeply with me, and I know it will with you too. It's never too early or too late to plan for your future, whether in your business or personal life. Investing in Your Business and Yourself Stacy strongly believes that investing in quality products and continuing education is crucial. She's committed to constant learning and growth, which is something I also highly advocate for in the Stylist Soul Tribe. Investment isn’t just about money; it’s also about time, energy, and focus. Being Present in Every Moment What struck me most about Stacy was her commitment to being fully present, especially when it comes to her family. She passionately believes that success is not just about financial freedom but also about having the time and emotional bandwidth to spend with your loved ones. This is something I think we all strive for in the Stylist Soul Tribe. Success isn't just financial; it's holistic. Must-Reads for a Successful Mindset We also delved into the books that have changed our lives. Stacy swears by "The Four Agreements" and "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie, and you all know how much I love diving into books that propel us forward, not just in business but in life. Final Takeaways The most critical takeaway from our conversation is to believe in yourself and your power to create the life you want. With the right mindset, guidance, and hard work, anyone can turn their dreams into reality. So, let Stacy’s story inspire you to reach for those six-figure goals and beyond. For more inspiration, don't forget to check out Stacy’s website where she offers incredible free resources including a fantastic 90-day planner. Thank you for being a part of this ever-growing, ever-inspiring tribe. Until next time, believe in the magic of possibilities. Grateful AF, Lisa P.S. Don't forget to check out the podcast episode for the full conversation and even more insights. The show notes are packed with all the goodies we talked about. Keep believing in your dreams, Tribe! - Follow Stacy Monroe on Instagram: - Check out Stacy's 90 Day Hairstylist Performance Planner - - Check out Stacy's Hairstylists Business Mastery Waitlist -

  • The Traveling Hairstylists with Leisha Thompson

    Welcome to the latest episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations, where we dive into a new possible path in the beauty industry, Traveling Hairstylists. In this episode, I engage in an enlightening conversation with Leisha Thompson, a pioneering figure in the industry. Leisha's groundbreaking concept, The Traveling Hairstylists, is reshaping how we think about hairstyling as a career and lifestyle. The Genesis of The Traveling Hairstylists: Leisha's journey began as a suite stylist, where she built a successful business but felt a deeper yearning for something more. Her participation in the Stylist Soul Tribe played a crucial role in nurturing this idea. It was here, amid discussions and vision casting workshops, where the seeds of The Traveling Hairstylists were sown. The concept goes beyond traditional salon work, offering a novel approach to hairstyling – one that combines travel, flexibility, and professional growth. The Leap into a Nomadic Lifestyle: The decision to transition into a traveling hairstylist was not made lightly. Leisha and her husband embraced a nomadic lifestyle, moving into an RV and setting off on an uncharted path. This bold move was inspired by Leisha's previous experiences living in an RV and her desire for freedom and adventure. Her journey is not just about hairstyling; it's a testament to following one's passions and redefining personal success. The Challenges and Triumphs: Navigating this new terrain came with its challenges. Leisha recounts the initial struggles of finding salons to collaborate with and the importance of face-to-face interactions in building trust and understanding within the community. Despite the hurdles, she successfully established herself in various locations, from Phoenix, Arizona to Asheville, North Carolina, adapting her skills to meet the unique needs of each salon and their clientele. The Future Vision: Looking ahead, Leisha envisions The Traveling Hairstylists expanding into a team, providing services across the country. This concept isn't just about filling in for stylists on leave; it's about creating a network of professionals who can step in and maintain the continuity and quality of service, ensuring client satisfaction and business stability. Leisha Thompson's story with The Traveling Hairstylists is more than an entrepreneurial venture; it's a movement towards reimagining the possibilities of this profession. It challenges conventional norms and opens up a world of possibilities for hairstylists seeking to blend their passion for hair with a love for travel and exploration. As we wrapped up the conversation, it was clear that Leisha is not just changing her life but also paving the way for others to follow in her footsteps. For those inspired by Leisha's journey or interested in The Traveling Hairstylists, be sure to check out her website and social media for more information and resources. Website: Instagram: @TheTraveling.Hairstylists

  • Niche to Rich with Angie Mamone: How Specializing Can Elevate Your Beauty Business

    Welcome to another episode of the Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations podcast! Today, we're excited to bring you a value-packed conversation with Angie Mamone, the founder of Behind the Extensions (BTE), a comprehensive course that revolutionizes how hairstylists approach their extension business. The Need for Specialization In a saturated market where everyone is vying for attention, how do you make yourself stand out? Angie Mamone believes the answer lies in specialization. "Specialization isn't just a buzzword; it's a business strategy," says Angie. "When you specialize, you not only hone your skills but also elevate your value in the market. Clients will seek you out because you offer something unique." What Does Specialization Mean? For Angie, specialization is about becoming the problem-solver in a particular niche. "It's about being the go-to expert," she says. "It's not just about knowing how to place the bead or color the hair. It's about being able to solve problems that most people in your industry can't." The Journey to Specialization Angie shares her own journey toward becoming an extension specialist. Starting with general hairstyling services, she eventually found that her true calling was in extensions. "It was draining to be everything to everyone," she recalls. "When I decided to specialize, I was able to attract clients who were willing to pay a premium for my expertise." Templates and Resources: A Game-Changer One of the highlights of Angie's Beyond the Extension course is the abundance of templates and resources. "I've tried to make this as user-friendly as possible," she says. "From pre-visit checklists to post-visit care, I've created templates that you can customize to fit your own business model." The Four Ps: A Framework for Success Angie’s BTE course is structured around what she calls the "Four Ps": Pre-visit: Includes sales strategies and automation. Post-visit: Focuses on automating aftercare and follow-ups. Pricing: Dives deep into the economics of extension services. Positioning: Discusses how to establish yourself as an expert through social media. Is Specialization Right for You? Angie believes that you should consider specializing if you're passionate about a particular service or if clients are already flocking to you for that service. "It's either about what lights you up or what you're naturally good at," she says. Takeaway The takeaway from this conversation with Angie Mamone is clear: Specialization is not just a trend; it's a powerful strategy that can define your career and elevate your business. By zeroing in on what you do best, you can carve out a unique space in the beauty industry and become the go-to expert that clients are willing to seek out and pay a premium for. Thank you for tuning into this enriching episode with Angie Mamone. If you want to take your hairstyling business to the next level, specializing might just be the path for you. Make sure to check out Angie's Beyond the Extension course for valuable resources that can help you on your journey to becoming a specialist in your field.

  • Automate to Elevate: Achieving a Balance in Business & Life with Hunter Donia

    Hello, Stylist Soul Tribe! I'm thrilled to introduce you to someone who has not only been an instrumental figure in the hairstyling industry but is also a dear friend of mine: Hunter Donia. Who is Hunter Donia? Hunter is more than just a hairstylist; he's a tech genius who has turned his passion for beauty into an empire. Recognizing the need for systems, automation, and sound policies, Hunter has dedicated himself to making beauty businesses thrive. The Power of Systems and Automation In a world where time is money, Hunter has developed systems that streamline the administrative side of running a salon. From scheduling appointments to managing clients, his focus on automation frees up valuable time, allowing hairstylists to focus on what they do best—making their clients feel beautiful. Boundaries and Policies: A Must-Have Hunter is a firm believer in setting boundaries, both personally and professionally. This led him to create a vault of advanced policies for salons, which includes everything from a liability waiver to a salon etiquette policy. According to Hunter, having a robust set of policies is not just about avoiding legal troubles; it's about setting clear expectations that help build strong relationships with clients. Work-Life Balance and Self-Care But it's not all work and no play for Hunter. He is a strong advocate for work-life balance and self-care. Whether it's taking the time to travel solo to Europe or going on a simple hike, Hunter emphasizes the importance of "me time." He believes that happiness in your personal life translates into passion and energy in your work, creating a virtuous cycle that benefits both you and your clients. The Ultimate Giveaway for Hairstylists! Now, here comes the part we're all excited about—a giveaway that could revolutionize your salon business! Hunter is generously giving away his advanced policies and business materials vault, worth around $500. This vault is a treasure of resources that can help you manage your business efficiently, right from client management to social media marketing. What You'll Get: Advanced Policies: Liability waiver, cancellation policy, redo policy, and more. Business Materials: Graphics, QR code business cards, salon amenity menus, and more. Bonus: Email templates, social media captions, and even a model contract. How To Enter: Thank you, Hunter, for not just the incredible giveaway but also for sharing your wisdom and experiences with all of us. Grateful AF for you.

  • Diving Deep with Kristen Soseman: Energy, Healing, Intuition, Meditation, and More on Stylist Soul T

    Welcome back to another episode of Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. Today is special—we have Kristen Soseman with us, an expert in energy work, healing, intuition, meditation, and grounding. We dived deep into these fascinating subjects, unlocking rich insights that can truly change lives. Meet Kristen Soseman Kristen Soseman isn't just an energy coach; she's a life-changer. Specializing in energy healing, intuitive guidance, meditation practices, and grounding techniques, Kristen brings a wealth of wisdom in helping people reclaim their energy and heal from within. Key Topics Discussed The Energy within and around Us Kristen opened the episode by emphasizing that energy isn't just about what fuels our bodies but shapes our world. From how we interact with people to how we deal with stress, energy plays a pivotal role. Kristen shared tips on how to channel our inner energy to align with our true selves. A Multi-layered Approach to Healing Healing is not about curing symptoms; it's about healing the soul. Kristen talked about how holistic healing could impact our lives positively, addressing not just physical ailments but emotional and spiritual wounds as well. Reconnecting with Our Intuition Our conversation moved into the realms of intuition. As Kristen pointed out, intuition is our innate guidance system. Through practical exercises and tips, she helped us understand how to reconnect with this often-ignored aspect of ourselves. Grounding for Better Well-being Kristen also shed light on the importance of grounding, a practice that helps us connect with the Earth's natural energy. Grounding techniques can drastically improve our mental clarity and emotional stability. The Power of Meditation We rounded off the conversation with Kristen discussing the importance of meditation. In our busy lives, mindfulness may seem like a luxury. However, Kristen made it clear that it is an essential tool for maintaining equilibrium in life. Important Takeaways Energy work isn't an abstract concept but a practical tool for day-to-day life. Healing is an ongoing process that needs a multi-dimensional approach. Ignoring your intuition is like leaving a superpower untapped. Grounding can be a simple yet powerful tool for achieving emotional and mental stability. Meditation is not a one-size-fits-all practice; find what works for you. Wrap-Up and Giveaway Announcement Our deep-dive conversation with Kristen Soseman has been enlightening to say the least. And to make things even more exciting, we have a special giveaway for our listeners! You can stand a chance to win a subscription to Kristen’s “Rise and Shine 365,” where you'll receive a texted audio recording every morning that offers either a meditation or energy practice, as well as her “Energy Trifecta” course. To enter the giveaway, click here: Don't miss this life-changing episode! Tune in to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations to be part of the magic!

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